First Impressions

This is it. I'm in Madrid. I'm scared and lonely, although my mom and her husband are here with me. But still, there's a bit of excitement in the air, too. You could even say that I'm starting to feel hopeful. Actually, I've more-or-less liked this city so far, really.

We're staying at the Hotel Praga in Madrid, room 4XX. The place is great, despite the construction site that's situated just outside the front doors. We even have a lovely view to a nearby apartment: this morning we noticed a very hairy madrileño doing his dishes without a single piece of clothing just a few meters away from our room window. Nice.

Now, the more interesting stuff. Yes, I've got an apartment! And it's great. I'll fill you in on the details later when I finally start living there. In other words, you'll just have to wait patiently for a few days. The owner is really great, too. And he even speaks English, thank God! The just one nagging little thing with the place: it's not possible to have an Internet connection, so I have to buy a 3G USB modem to be able to get online. Sounds cool, right? The downside is just that those thingies tend to be pricey. But, hey... Who cares? We're talking about an addict's access to his narcotic, for Christ's sake!

2 Response to "First Impressions"

  1. Menina says:
    September 1, 2011 at 3:28 PM

    Uuh, alastomia karvaisia miehiä! Oiskohan sittenkin pitäny tulla Madridiin? =D
    Kulta, jos se USB-juttu ei oo hirmu kallis, niin se on varmaan hyvä sijoitus. Vois jutella Skypessä useemmin...

  2. Heidi says:
    September 1, 2011 at 5:09 PM

    Sympatiaa täältä toiselta pelokkaalta ja yksinäiseltä. Mä en oo ees nähny miehiä alasti :'( Kurja tuo nettiasia, ei varmaan viitsi millään yliopiston koneillakaan skypetellä.

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