Esta es mi casa

Now it's time for me to send you some up-to-date, realistic pics of my apartment here in Madrid. Ok, so... Here we go!

First, I have to open about a dozen different types of locks to get inside my house. But that's fine by me because I hate robbers. And rubber ducks. When stepping inside the apartment you first enter a small entryway. From there you can either turn left to the kitchen or walk straight forward to the living room. Here's the first pic:

This is the view from my balcony to the front door.

I hate those cutesy, little thingies on the wall! I have to get rid of them. It's just a real bummer that I can't get rid of them COMPLETELY (as in burn 'em) because those damn pieces of decorative shit belong to my landlord... But, hey... At least I can throw them inside a closet. Here's another:

Same room, different viewpoint.

Ah, yeah. I already mentioned the kitchen. Here it is:

Here's the kitchen. It's nothing fancy, but I think I'll manage to warm up my frozen pizzas with this setup.

I know, this photo is very similar to one of the photos that I've put on display previously. But, I do have something I want to point out about the kitchen: There's no dishwasher! I hate doing the dishes, it's just plain boring. Maybe I could use paper plates and plastic utensils for 9 months? ... ok, let's move on.

Let's go to the balcony! Here's what we see:

First, let's take a glanze to the left...

... and then a  peek to the right.
 Not bad, aye? I even have a few clothes lines at the balcony, so I can dry my clothes. When it's not raining, that is.

I don't have too much to say about the two bedrooms so I'll just add the photos and be done with it:

The 'Master Bedroom' as seen from the door.

The Master Mushroom from next to the desk.

A pretty decent pic of the guest room.

And, then. Finally. The most important of them all: the toilet! I think I will like it here because the sanitary facilities of my casa are well equipped and clean. See for yourself:

I know the colors look horrible together. I'm working on it.

And that's all, folks! I hope you've enjoyed my little Tour de Villa. Ah, yeah, btw. The Prada Museum sucks. Avoid it at all costs. See ya.

2 Response to "Esta es mi casa"

  1. Menina says:
    September 4, 2011 at 11:48 AM

    Näyttää kivalta kämpältä kulta. :) Taidanpa tulla sinne vähän majailemaan... Loistavaa, että joudut opettelemaan tiskaamista! Mitä jos yrittäisit kehittyä mestariksi vuoden aikana? ;)) Te amo demais <3 Estou com saudade de você..

  2. Heidi says:
    September 5, 2011 at 11:43 AM

    Eikä, ihana kämppä! Ainakin kaikki sun etsintävaiva palkittiin :)

    Hihihih noille seinäkoristeille!

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