My Spanish 'buddy' and a weird weekend...

I guess this was to be expected and had to happen sooner or later: I've spent the whole weekend alone, at home. And when I say 'alone' I truly mean it. I haven't actually seen anyone. (Skyping with LP doesn't count...) But you know what? I loved it! I actually got some studying done, for example. I even started practicing my drumming again! Bringing a pair of drum sticks (which I got from my teacher, TS. Thanks, btw...) and my practice pad to Spain was a fabulous idea! You should hear me playing 'Connecticut Halftime'. I simply rock. (I do love myself, don't I?)

But, anyways... That's enough about my weekend. There wasn't all that much to tell, was there? But, there was actually still something else that I wanted to share with the rest of the world. And that something is called Marta. (Are you ok with me writing your name here? If not, just punch me or something.) The short version of the story would of course be something like this: Thanks, Marta. You're the best 'buddy' ever!

And then the rest of the story, starting with some brain acrobatics:

Exercise 1: If we presume that the two statements given below are true, what is the most obvious logical outcome deducible from these statements?

  1. 'Jope is one lazy bastard.'
  2. 'Jope doesn't speak Spanish.' (Ok this isn't EXACTLY true, I know. Still, I suck more or less.)


1 & 2 => 'Jope ends up in a situation in which he needs to print at the campus but doesn't know how to do it.' AND 'Jope needs to buy a sort-of-a-student-card-thingie but doesn't know how to do it.'

(The path to this answer is omitted because of its obviousness and simplicity. You just have to take 1, divide it by Jope's IQ and divide 0 by the result. The result which is completely undefined can then be combined with toothpaste to yield the result given above.)

Umm... Sorry about that. I haven't eaten much today since it's Sunday and I have nothing in the fridge. That wouldn't be a problem in Finland but here in Spain it really is one. There's not a single shop open around here!

So, the thing is that Marta, in all her awesomeness, agreed to help me with the two aswers of exercise 1. Against all odds, all went actually quite smoothly. It only took us some two hours to overcome these two enormous obstacles that have been blocking my UC3M path. Wow, way to go Marta!


'Oh, well... Back to cleaning, I guesses!' said Caspenar the Imp.

1 Response to "My Spanish 'buddy' and a weird weekend..."

  1. Menina says:
    September 26, 2011 at 8:56 PM

    Voi sinuu... Oliko muka hauskempaa viettää vkl yksin ku mun kaa? :P Lentoliput on nyt kummiski tulostettu, eikös vaan? ;) Hyvä, että lepäilet siellä, koska mulla on ens viikonlopulle jo kosolti ohjelmaa :D Tervetuloo! <3

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