They say that English is some sort of a universal lingua franca...

... and that really is a load of bull.

That's right, it's bullshit. I'm telling you: never listen to a word of that crap. Let me explain myself with an example.

  1. First, let's consider a case in which a (non-existent?) Finnish university student is going to move to Madrid. This Finnish student is naturally looking for an apartment, a place to live in. The student thinks that 'everyone speaks English nowadays!', and so he sends emails to various possible future landlords, all written in English. Oh my goodness! He's getting a bit nervous: he gets no responses! He says to himself that finding an apartment in Madrid is not possible, not even in his wildest dreams (which really are quite wild, I tell you...).
  2. An then, let's consider the other side of the coin. What do you think would happen to a Finnish university student, who wrote his emails in his nearly indecipherable Spanish? Well, I do hope that you guessed right. 'Cause I happen to know for a fact, that such a student would be contacted within about 3-4 hours after sending his first Spanish-written emails.

    So, is there a moral to this little fictive story of mine? Yes, and here it comes:

    Kids, study languages and eat your veggies. Always.

    - To my precious Spanish teacher EP, a.k.a Guapísima :P. You're wonderful. Luckily, I think you already know that.-

    2 Response to "They say that English is some sort of a universal lingua franca..."

    1. Heidi says:
      August 15, 2011 at 4:36 PM

      Hyvä Jope! Näin sitä pitää :) Saitko siis jo kämpänkin?

    2. Ailan Korupaja says:
      August 15, 2011 at 9:05 PM

      En vielä, mut nyt alkaa olla semmonen fiilis, että kyllä sieltä Madridista kämpän löytää. Kunhan vaan viitsii vääntää espanjaa... :)

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