
My original goal in writing this blog was simply to sum all my experiences during my exhange studies in Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. You may like my blog or not, I don't really care.

I'm a Finnish lad, originally from Jokioinen, Finland. I studied Electrical Engineering (Bionics) at Aalto University in Finland for two years. After having studied for two years a thought came running into my head: 'Hey, this is enough! I'm off to... well, um... Spain! That ought to be a blast.'
I'll be writing new posts on this blog once or twice a week.

But, well... I guess I'll just continue blogging although I already left Madrid behind me. So, all you enthusiastic readers: stay tuned for more of this ever-so-exciting blog-action!

If you have any comments that you don't feel like sharing with the rest of the world, you can send me e-mail at


Thanks. I love you.