What is a Family Unit - Required Documents for Admission to the UC3M Dorms

Ahh, long time no see, eh?  I've been taking a breather from this 'blogging' thingie for a while but life goes forever on. Here's a little something that I've experienced in my absence. (Those of you whose eyes start to boil when reading too much can skip most of the e-mails and go straight to my analysis at the bottom of the post!)

First, a letter to the Administrative personnel of my preferred dorm:


If it isn't too much of a trouble, I'd like to verify that I've sent you all the necessary documents for application (including proper documentation of my annual income). Please inform me as soon as possible if you find the papers that I've provided insufficient. I'll be more than happy to send you any additional information that you require.


 Second, the response:
Hello Jorma, we have received all the documents, they are correct.

Only one question, in the translation of the tax income, you say that your income is 1.788.-€, but this is per month, is it?

Third, an awkward re-response:

I hate to admit it, but no. The documents that I've provided truly do reflect my annual (not monthly) income for 2009, as instructed at http://www.uc3m.es/portal/page/portal/residence_halls/admission/admission_terms_10_11/2_c_documentation

I spent the academic year of 2009-2010 in civil service (a type of military service in Finland). On top of that, I was studying during the early months of 2009. Thus my income of 2009 is exceptionally low.

PS. When can I expect to hear the results of the application procedure? Will I be notified by email?

Best regards,

It's nice to know that my girlfriend doesn't like me for the money...

 And this is where I find out that I've been an ass:
Hello Jorma, we need the tax income of the FAMILY UNIT, as instructed at the 2º content of the admission terms:

In order to determine the monthly payment, the applicant must present documents standardized from the country of origin translated to Spanish, that certify the annual family income for the year 2009 (Disabled applicants are exempt from having to present said documentation). Those documents should indicate gross income for the family unit and the members of the family unit. (Siblings and children over the age of 25 will not be counted as members of the family unit).

The result of your admission will be ready on 20 of July in our web site.

Then, a teeny-wheeny white lie... (It's nothing serious; my girlfriend with her minimalistic income wouldn't affect the situation all that much...)
Hi again,

I'm a bit at a loss because I live alone. Who is it that I should include as a family member?


At last, the outcome:
If you live alone, it´s enough the document that you have presented.

Now, here's one of the toughest questions that I've encountered recently (and that's saying for something 'cause I work with the Schrödinger equation, etc.): What is a FAMILY UNIT? I mean for a guy, who lives with his girlfriend and whose parents are long-since divorced, what does it mean? I do like the final interpretation of the 'Person', but... It certainly isn't an obvious answer.

So, all in all I'm rather pleased with the way this all turned out. As the rent of the dorm rooms is progressive (you earn more, you pay more) I'm more than happy that my income of 2009 happened to be, well... Ok, I didn't have any!

The problem here was, of course, the hidden presumptions in the application  rules that every candidate would 1) be living on his/her own for the first time, and 2) be financially supported by their parents. And, as many of you likely know, neither of those two presumptions apply  to the average exchange student from Finland. (I do acknowledge the fact that my parents do help me a bit, yes... No worries troops, I haven't forgotten you!) I won't go into more details about Finnish financial aid for students. Those of you who are interested to find out more, visit Kela – The Social Insurance Institution of Finland.

1 Response to "What is a Family Unit - Required Documents for Admission to the UC3M Dorms"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    July 4, 2011 at 11:23 PM


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